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Customer Success
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London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Graduate Backend Software Engineer
Acre is rebuilding the UK’s £1.4 trillion mortgage market from the ground up, with a completely new, end-to-end management system for mortgages.Our platform cuts out the unnecessary admin, pain and fr...
London, England
Full Time
Graduate Backend Software Engineer (Immediate Start)
Acre is rebuilding the UK’s £1.4 trillion mortgage market from the ground up, with a completely new, end-to-end management system for mortgages.Our platform cuts out the unnecessary admin, pain and fr...
London, England
Full Time
Lead Frontend Engineer
Better homebuying for everyone involvedAcre is rebuilding the UK’s £1.4 trillion mortgage market from the ground up, with a completely new, end-to-end management system for mortgages.Our platform cuts...
London, England
Full Time
Customer Success
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Open Roles
Head of Customer Experience
Acre is rebuilding the UK’s £1.4 trillion mortgage market from the ground up, with a completely new, end-to-end management system for mortgages.Our platform cuts out the unnecessary admin, pain, and f...
London, England
Full Time
Head of Customer Support
Acre is rebuilding the UK’s £1.4 trillion mortgage market from the ground up, with a completely new, end-to-end management system for mortgages.Our platform cuts out the unnecessary admin, pain, and f...
London, England
Full Time
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